You can interpret that exclamation point in a variety of ways...I'm not quite sure how I intend it myself actually. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against having a boy in and of itself. I just felt so strongly that it was a girl that I almost feel like something's wrong! I didn't realize how much I was mentally prepping for a girl. Now when I look at all the things I had planned or bookmarked for the baby's room or registry, even at the time thinking I was being gender neutral, everything feels WAY too girly. I think I had also grown really attached to the girl name we had picked out. And it's not that I don't want to plan for a boy, but I feel like the past 3-4 months of planning are now "wasted" because I feel like I have to start from scratch. Yes, I know it's not entirely true, but that's how I feel...and lately I have no explanation or reasoning for how I feel lol
I think another thing that puts a damper on my excitement is the unfamiliarity of a boy. Again, it's more about my personality of having to have things planned and under control more than the fact that it's actually a boy. I think I just assumed a girl would be way easier because I would know what to do with a girl, being one myself. Now with a boy there's all these things I keep thinking I'll encounter that are going to be SO foreign to me! I know, I know, even if it was a girl doesn't mean she'd be anything like me, so it would probably be just as foreign. That's my logical thought process but it didn't affect how I felt that way. I joked with Matt when we left the dr. office "well, it's a boy, he's yours!".
I know I'll get over it, I already feel a lot better today than I did yesterday. I think it's just going to take time to adjust my thinking to "boy" instead of "girl". And I also think that once Thanksgiving is over and I can actually get into the room and start implementing some of my basic ideas that it will come together.
In the meantime, yes, it's a boy. Yes, we're excited, but don't expect me to be bouncing off the walls just yet. It's not the boy that bums me out, it's the thinking about planning for "a boy" that's stressing me out and killing a little bit of the excitement for me lol It helps not to dwell on it too much, yet...I'm sure once I'm over it I'll be ridiculously annoying about how excited I am again :)