September 24, 2007


I finally took the time to figure out how to upload pictures from my phone so now I can show all of you pictures from moving.

First are the lovely boxes and boxes of stuff. The grocery bags are just food for dinner that night. This is actually after I had emptied quite a few boxes. Here's my mom doing dishes It took Tony, Michael, Matt and HK to get my fridge up the stairs.
So those are my pictures from moving. I was rather frustrated with myself when I realized halfway through (if not more) that I had forgotten to be taking pictures. I think that's my main weakness in my scrapbooking endeavors. It's easy to put together a page when you have good pictures...I just always forget to take pictures!!

Here are some pictures from yesterday - Michael, Jess, Matt and I went to a Ducks vs. Canucks pre-season game and then out to dinner at Claim Jumper. We forgot a digital camera so we bought a disposable so I'll put those pictures up once we get them developed. We also ran into Zoro at the game just a few rows below us so we actually have some pictures of all 4 of us!

Matt and I doing our goofy smiles that Jess gets such a kick out of (this is the first picture of us at any of the hockey games we've ever been to!)

Michael and Jess supposed to be being goofy but Michael just looks like the devil.

Our view. We were in row T, and row U was the highest you could be :) Oh well! The seats were free and we talked most of the time anyways!

September 17, 2007


Just wanna say congrats to Karly for being 100% DONE with Paul Mitchell! Seriously people, she's an awesome hair stylist so call me if you want a relatively inexpensive, quality hair cut. And yay for her because I just love her so much and miss her and was SUPER happy to get to catch up with her on the phone today :)

Apartment life is going really well. I only have about 5 more boxes to go before I'm done unpacking. Now I just have to get the boys over to put up my curtains in the bedroom and figure out how to make a slip cover for the UGLY couch I have.

God's really been impressing a sense of having to take responsibility for myself, especially with this whole moving out thing. Not just responsibility with material things like money and making sure I wake up on time and keeping the apartment straight without being told, but things like really taking my walk seriously as an adult. My quiet times have been virtually non-existant in the past few months and I WANT to get back into the habit so badly but when it comes down to it, I'm so unmotivated. Just opening up the Bible and picking a random passage to read doesn't leave me hungering for more, and that's what I want...I want to want more. I just struggle with having some sort of consistency in my Bible study...I'd like to be able to dive deeper into what I'm already being taught at church but when it's already deep at church, it's hard to figure out how to go deeper on my own except practical application, and that's where the whole self-responsibility comes in. I tend to forget about the "improvement" ideas throughout my day, even though it's not like I forget about God except when at church or before bed when I think to do my devotions. I find myself constantly running things by Him, venting to Him, just talking to Him throughout my day, yet things that I study in the Word rarely seem to stick. And I don't really know how to solve that problem. Yes, pray about it and ask God for the help but it won't work if I just sit here and ask Him to do all the work for me.

Anyways, that's just a rant of my frustrations. I need to get back to work now.

September 14, 2007

Just a quick update

I'm doing well by myself in the apartment. I often turn the TV on while I'm getting ready in the other rooms so it's not so quiet but other than that I've been able to sleep easily. Aside from two scary, intimidating guys that live a few apartments down and walk around the parking lot occasionally and make me nervous to go out to my car (they've been completely harmless...I'm just paranoid) all is well!

I just lack motivation to finish unpacking so Matt's coming over tonight to help and Jess is coming over tomorrow to help. Hopefully that will take care of the rest or at least the majority of it.

Matt and Michael came over to watch a movie last night. We watched The Devil Wears was stupid...I don't know why so many people liked it. The plot was so pathetic and predictable! Anyway, I digress...

September 10, 2007


That's right! I'm all moved in to my own apartment! It's been weird and I haven't even slept there alone yet! I'll post pictures of the moving once I figure out how to get them off my phone (I could kick myself for forgetting Matt's camera most of the day).

Anyways, Saturday Matt and I signed the lease after a scare of not being able to find his wallet that had his driver's license. But after that disasters was averted, we had people arrive around 1:00 to help unload the cars we had loaded the day before. Tony, Michael & Mandy put together the bed and HK and Matt picked up the big items with Richard's trailer. Then my family came over and helped unpack boxes a little and we ate and watched Brother Bear when Lily and Danielle came over.

Jess spent the night the first night and we learned a few little quirks to the place.

1. If the water's not on high enough the result is a really weird noise that increases in volume until you turn the water on higher. It happens in the bathroom sink but mainly in the shower...which....
2. The water pressure in the shower is AWFUL!!! It took Jess like...15 min. to rinse conditioner out of her hair. I'm going to get a new shower head and see if that works. But that doesn't fix...
3. The knobs for the temperature in the shower are really sensitive. One tiny twise and it's scalding or freezing. Thankfully, because so little water hits you it's not too dangerous.
4. The water in the kitchen sink always comes out warm during the later afternoon evening because of the pipes warming up, no matter which knob you turn on you have to let it run for a while.
5. There's no lock on the bedroom door :)
6. The deadbolt on the front door sticks.
7. The door from the living room to the hallway doesn't close.
8. A drawer in the kitchen is broken (that will be fixed).
9. While the living room stays dark in the morning, sunlight streams into the bedroom as soon as the sun comes up.

I think that's all for now but we'll see.

Matt and Michael spent the night last night so we'll see how I handle being alone tonight. The bed and mattress and our memory foam pillows are incredible so hopefully I'll sleep well. I was freezing last night because the AC and fan were on for the boys.

I sent an e-mail with my new contact info so if you want/need it and don't get that e-mail, let me know!

September 4, 2007


It's over!!! Not only that but another week has started and it's started with a BANG!

Burgers & Bands went AMAZINGLY well!!!! All the food went perfectly and we're able to return some so we did great money wise. Saturday was the bbq at Mandy's which was nice and relaxing even though it was super hot...but then again there's not much choice in S. California right now...the weather is hot and HOTTER. We're pulling 103-108 right now...ugh, even I've been sweating a bunch!

Monday we had an awesome Labor Day party with the regulars plus the Morseys & Allevatos which was fun. And today I went back to work and everything took longer than it should have and the only big thing I really got accomplished today was to fix something that should have been done on Friday. Plus I have sciatica so driving is driving (haha) me insane! Actually, any sitting is torture really.

The big news for today though is that Matt and I sign our lease on Saturday and I move in! That's right, as of this Saturday I will be living all by my lonesome in my ow n apartment! Chelsea, Rachel and I packed the rest of my room today (I had already started knowing it was coming) and it's slowly becoming more real. I've spent ridiculous amounts of money buying the necessities that you never think about (a flyswatter? floss? scissors?!) and I've been good to only buy what we need, not the little extras...and it's still scarily expensive! But I'm confident that we can handle it. To say I'm excited would be an understatment. Ya'll will get an e-mail with my new contact info when I'm all set up (I say "ya'll" like there are actually people who read this! ha!)