September 14, 2007

Just a quick update

I'm doing well by myself in the apartment. I often turn the TV on while I'm getting ready in the other rooms so it's not so quiet but other than that I've been able to sleep easily. Aside from two scary, intimidating guys that live a few apartments down and walk around the parking lot occasionally and make me nervous to go out to my car (they've been completely harmless...I'm just paranoid) all is well!

I just lack motivation to finish unpacking so Matt's coming over tonight to help and Jess is coming over tomorrow to help. Hopefully that will take care of the rest or at least the majority of it.

Matt and Michael came over to watch a movie last night. We watched The Devil Wears was stupid...I don't know why so many people liked it. The plot was so pathetic and predictable! Anyway, I digress...

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