March 11, 2013

Less than 1 month to go!

I'm a few days late posting for Noah's 11 mo. update.  I can't believe in less than a month my baby will be a year old!  He's currently asleep in my arms though so I'm taking advantage of actually having the laptop near enough to me to grab when he falls asleep to post.

Let's see, he's still not walking which is a shocker.  I think he's just a big lazy/hesitant because he can stand up from the ground completely on his own without holding onto anything, stays standing for a while and then lowers himself back down.  He also practically runs holding onto our hands (even when we're not really supporting his weight) or onto his little push walker thing.  But as soon as you let go he freezes, sits down and crawls.  Unfortunately he's figured out that walking is a lot faster so he constantly wants you to walk him around the house and the yard.

Those teeth that I mentioned in the last post?  Well, they all popped through in the course of 1 week!  2 on top, 2 on bottom.  We had one really rough night and then a few nights where he woke up crying once or twice but was easy to calm and get back to sleep so all in all it wasn't too horrible.  Thank God he doesn't seem to be a biter.

He regularly crawls out the doggy door now and ventures all the way out into the yard to find any of Kanga's toys and sits in the middle of the lawn "throwing" them for her (they rarely make it more than a foot away from him).  He also likes to visit the little pug and 2 chihuahuas that live next door.  Thankfully, while he's unaware I watch him, he's yet to go out where I don't hear him and at least watch him out the window until I lose visual contact and then I go out with him.  It helps if I just take my computer out first thing in the morning and I can check e-mails, FB and get things done from my to-do list while he roams around for about an hour.

Party planning is actually almost complete.  I've had to be really on top of things considering I have 4 weekends in a row with family events (Arielle's baby shower, Easter, Noah's party and Chelsea's bridal shower).  I think I've bought all the supplies except food and now I just have a few party favor crafts to make/assemble.  I'm super excited for how it's all coming together.

Now for a bullet point round up of some of his favorite things (some continuing, some new):

  • Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? (his favorite book since he started being interested in books).  He loves and knows this book so much that if I just recite the whole book in the car when he's fussy he'll be happy.  He also just LOVES us reading to him and now he points and makes noises like he's reading :)
  • Blue's Clues (no more Timmy Time)
  • Throwing toys for Kanga and visiting the neighbor dogs in the back yard
  • "Running" around the house pushing his walker toy or laundry baskets
  • Cheerios, graham crackers, oranges, grapes & salmon are some of his go-to foods
  • Uncle Caleb and cousin Mason are some of his favorite friends to play with
I think that's about it, I really need to upload photos from my phone and camera so hopefully in the near future I'll update this post with some photos.