Noah will be 14 months in 4 days. I'm a little surprised by the fact that I still wouldn't officially call anything his first word. But I'm not worried because he is still able to communicated pretty clearly with gestures and grunts and lots of gibberish. Plus I know he is comprehending what we say, not just objects and people but abstract ideas as well. I can ask him to go get his ____ (fill in the blank, shoes, shirt, diaper, ball, book, toy) and take it somewhere or to someone and he know exactly what I'm talking about and does it). He can identify his own hair, ears, eyes, nose & mouth and also identify other peoples'. He LOVES music, clapping and dancing (he's currently watching Raffi videos on YouTube). He was on a Blue's Clues kick for a while but Netflix no longer has it on Instant Play so I've introduced him to Veggie Tales which he takes some interest in. As always, he is a huge daddy's boy and loves to be outside. I think an ideal scenario for him would be being naked, outside with Kanga, Daddy & Uncle Caleb playing with a basketball or reading a book. He now has 7 teeth (which he's had for a while) and doesn't seem to be in any hurry to get any more. He seems to have finally gotten into a semi-routine for naps which strangely makes life easier and harder at the same time. It's more predictable so I can try to plan being gone around them but it also means I'm more limited in when I can be gone because he doesn't just fall asleep whenever and wherever as easily now. I think that's it for now, I mean I'm sure there's much more but that's what I can think of for now. Here are a few pictures of the last 2 months
Everything is a phone to Noah, including cream cheese!
One of my favorite accidental pictures I found on my phone, this was his first swim of the year
Grandma & Grandpa H's doggie bit him in the eyebrow when he fell on them while they were sleeping
We spent a weekend at church helping Daddy install new phones at church
Noah dragged the vacuum cleaner from the dining room out to the backyard
Meeting his new cousin, Charity, for the first time when she was 12 hours old!
Reading time with Daddy on the new bed in Noah's room
Guitars are one of Noah's favorite things ever! He even pretends slotted spatulas are guitars!
We fostered this sweet girl for 2 weeks; unfortunately she didn't get along well with Kanga so she went back
This past week Noah got to meet his 2nd cousin Norah from IL (well, technically they met about a year ago but this time they got to play!) and his great Grandma & Grandpa from MI!
And our relationship with sidewalk chalk has begun!
Noah likes taking "selfies"
Sweatin' it out at cousin Shawni's baby shower!
Noah was a ring bearer in Auntie Chelsea & Uncle Geoff's wedding!