August 13, 2008

Just an update...

I spent yesterday with the preschoolers at the LA Zoo then today at Splash! with the elementary kids. Needless to say I'm tired, probably a little sunburnt, but had fun! It's been a long time since I've been to a water park (probably 8-10 years). Unfortunetly it was overcast and the elementary kids didn't want to stick with me so I didn't go in the water for too long. I did go down the fastest (straight drop) slide twice though. I was just scared I'd lose a contact lens and then not be able to drive home!

Then a highlight of my day was finding a route home from work that hits 3 grocery stores so I can actually take advantage of figuring out what's cheapest at which store. I didn't think it'd be worth it if I have to drive to 5 different stores, but if I go home from work one day one route I can hit 3 of the 5 and then go the other route the next day I can hit the other 2! I got some yummy stuff today...salmon, Matt's favorite OJ ("LOTS of pulp"), Kix, organic waffles and kiwi...all on sale!

Now I'm watching the Tyra show while waiting for pork chops to defrost so I can start making dinner. It's slightly pathetic, but it has to be a goal that I work towards to make dinner at home twice a week. Somehow we always end up having dinner somewhere else (and we're not eating a bunch of fast food or restaurants...). So I finally sat down and went through recipes again yesterday and planned out a weekly menu. And I got my new Simple & Delicious magazine (THANK YOU OLSONS!!) today and I'd say 85% of the recipes in there sound worth trying. I was a little discouraged because last issue had maybe...3 recipes that I wanted to try. But now I'm motivated to make dinner now. I just wish the apartment didn't get so hot.

Enough rambling...I'm sure you've had enough!


Amy said...

Yay for Simple and Delicious!! We don't get it anymore, so maybe you'll have to hand down your copies for us to borrow. ;)I could really use some inspiration!!!

Derek said...

"LOTS of pulp" - That's disgusting! I'm a NO pulp kind of guy. =)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Derek, I prefer NO pulp...although I'm not that big of an OJ fan. Give me apple or grape any day!

Amy, I've been meaning to ask you if you get it anymore. I'll definitely pass along any goods ones (or once I type up all the recipes I want to keep I'll just pass the whole magazine on to you, your family might like some of ones I don't care for).