"Back in March I finally called Kaiser to see if I could get some sort of consultation for fertility...just to maybe have tests done or even be told I'm normal just wait for it to happen. Well, we're not covered for "fertility treatments" but they said I could come in for a 30 min. consultation. It was bogus...the Dr. ended up saying "well because you're not covered for in fertility treatments I can't even discuss it with you" but he did want to do some testing to see why my periods were so irregular. He suspected I had Poly-Cycstic Ovarian Syndrome. I said I doubted that since I didn't have any symptoms that are typical (I have quite a few close friends with it, they all struggle with hair growth, weight gain, horrible periods, bad skin, etc.). He said PCOS is just a broad diagnosis for hormonal imbalances so it still could be it. He did some testing and my bloodwork came back showing high testosterone levels which would explain my irregularly spaced periods. He gave me a perscription to take every 6 weeks to cause me to have a period since not having one can be a health risk. I decided not to take the meds yet as I wanted to do more research into what it'd actually do, I didn't want to be taking anything that would possibly change my chances of getting pregnant. He also said the only way to treat my high testosterone levels were with birth control pills (uh...kinda defeats the whole purpose)). So I was really frustrated with him and decided to not really pursue any treatment or anything until Matt got his new insurance (that will start in 2-4 weeks) [side note: now next week]. Ironically, since I was prescribed that medication my cycles have been pretty regular on their own!
So fast forward to end of July. This time around I wasn't thinking I might be pregnant AT ALL because of timing. The thought crossed my mind that Tuesday when I was filling out paperwork to get my tattoo (which ironically is significant to me because it's a reminder to wait on God's timing, specifically with getting pregnant, more on that in another post) but I really thought "well, we missed our chance this month".
A few days later I thought maybe I was late but because my cycles are so irregular I, again, wasn't really suspicious but I thought "oh, I'll just take a test". Matt was gone for work until Friday night so I decided I'd take it Saturday morning. Of all the millions of pregnancy tests I feel like I've done in the past 1 1/2 years, this one I was the least hopeful for being positive!!! I always tell myself not to get my hopes up but can't help feeling that twinge of sadness and frustration and disappointment when I would get a negative result. I stared at this one totally expecting a negative and was kinda in shock when it wasn't!
We told pretty much everyone within 3 days (sorry, I can't keep secrets!) and according to my calculations my due date is around April 16. I can't believe this past week I got a tattoo, drank alcohol, almost dyed my hair, whacked myself in the stomach pretty hard taking the trash cans out and spend 3 hours lifting heavy boxes at work!!! haha This poor baby!!!"
Everyone keeps asking me what Matt's reaction was. Well, he was asleep when I took the test and had no idea I was going to take it (I took so many I started not even telling him so he wouldn't get his hopes up). So I woke him up and just said "look...." and gave him the test. It took him a few seconds to even acknowledge was he was looking at, then he said "but there's no plus..." (the negative line didn't show up well, but the positive line was very clear). I told him "no no, that's not the line that matters!!!" and he just kind of stared at it for a while and then said something like "wow...". Not a very exciting reaction, but fits him. I think we have both been anticipating it for so long, now that it was real we didn't know what to do!
So, now being about 7 weeks preggo...how do I feel? (I get this question from MULTIPLE people every day). I feel like something is not normal with my body, it's kinda of weird not having any baby bump or being able to feel the baby to remind me why I feel this way, but at least I know why. The first two weeks I knew I was just extremely tired, peeing a lot and craving lots of carbs. I was praying to dodge the morning sickness as my mom didn't get it really with any of us. But this past Sunday it seems to have kicked in. It's not unbearable, but it's not sticking to the morning...more like comes in waves throughout the entire day. I can usually stave it off by munching on something but little sounds appetizing at the time. Thank goodness I have a pretty relaxed work schedule and have been able to sleep in and take a lot of naps. I guess it's practice for when the baby does come as I've been choosing naps rather than do household chores when I find pockets of time.
'til next time, preggers out!
1 comment:
The moron who gave it the name "morning sickness" was, of course, a man. And he knew nothing about it being ALL DAY sickness. lol
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