January 8, 2013

The big 0-9....months that is...

Well, as of yestery Noah has been outside of me for as long as (or longer I guess technically since he was 10 days early) he was inside me!  9 months is last "big" one before the BIG ONE!  I've been a birthday party planning spree this week because in 4 weeks I'll have a baby shower to give, Easter, Noah's birthday party and then a bridal shower to give!  The baby shower and bridal shower are all being planned with other people so I can't just make all the decisions.  That leaves me with Noah's party to just hunker down and get things done in advance so as the time comes I can work on the other showers.

Let's see...Noah's SOOOOO close to walking.  He often bear crawls (up on his hands and feet, knees off the ground) due to the cold tile and/or his knees being a little raw from crawling around so much with no pants on and his skin dry from the weather & heater being on.  We're lotioning him up a lot and trying to keep pants on him.  He's been pulling himself up onto furniture basically ever since he could crawl but now he walks along furniture, let's go and lowers himself down to sitting slowly or will let go to turn to grab onto another piece of furniture.  He's also walked a big with his walker toy we bought him for Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, I'm so pleased with all the gifts he got.  All but one are NOT electronic and so far he has been able to actually play with and enjoys them all!  You just never know when babies what they'll take to and what they could care less about.  So good job grandma's, aunts, cousins, etc!

Last night, in celebration of his 9 months, he started clapping for the first time.  He gets SO proud of himself when he does it.  All you have to do is start singing "If You're Happy and You Know It" or Patty Cake and he starts clapping and laughing.  This morning he had been awake for about 5 minutes before he sat up and started clapping.

As I'm typing his nursing and napping but once I can grab the camera and get some moments away from him I'll post Christmas pictures.  Here's a video of his new talent!

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