February 7, 2013

We got ourselves a...climber

I wish that said walker...although I probably will regret that wish when he does start walking.  I'm not sure if him walking will make his mobility easier or harder as he seems to have no limitations with just crawling now.

Anyways, Noah is 10 months old today!  Birthday party plans are well underway and he is well on his way of being the cutest ever 1 year old :)

Other than just being more and more mobile and agile I don't think he's made any specific developments in the past month.  Unless you count climbing...or escaping through our broken doggy door.

Neither of which make Mommy too happy but so far nothing terrible has come from it (not that I encourage this behavior in any way lol)

Oh, he has at LEAST 2 teeth just about popping through on the bottom with potentially a 3rd on the bottom and 1 more on top!  As eager as I am to see a little grin with teeth, I am already anticipating missing his gummy grin and the biting....*wince*

His favorite things right now are (in no particular order):

~Taking a bubble bath or getting to play in the shower
~Going outside (with or without Mommy or Daddy as you can see...)
~Books, being read repeatedly (especially The Ear Book & Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?)
~Uncle Caleb
~Ellen DeGeneres, Clinton Kelly & Jay Prichett (from Modern Family).  For some reason he is entranced whenever they are on TV.
~Clapping to music

I have so many things I'd love to blog about (attachment parenting, co-sleeping, extended breastfeeding/nursing in public) that I "write" in my head at night as I lay nursing him to sleep but I very rarely get a chance to actually type with 2 hands so I'll leave you with this as far as that goes: Read Mayim Bialaik's book, "Beyond the Sling".  While I don't necessarily implement everything she talks about, she has a PhD in Neuroscience that backs up the evidence for many of the "controversial" ways I choose to parent my child.  It also helps that she plays Amy Farrah Fowler on one of my favorite TV shows, The Big Bang Theory so I get to read it hearing Amy's character in my head haha.

And with that I will leave you with a picture that literally made me LOL for a few minutes.

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