I'm pretty sure anyone who reads this blog already saw the announcement on Instagram and Facebook, or were told in person, but I figured it was time to give an update here. Baby Hamel #2 is due April 28, 2014! Not gonna lie, it was not planned, nor exactly a happy discovery . It took me at least a month or two to really get on board. Just so many what-ifs and worrying about how it would affect Noah since he still nurses quite often and sleeps with us. But as time goes by, it's easier to remember that God knew our heart behind raising Noah how we are and also is the One who decided it was time for another, so I will trust that He will work things out.
In Noah news:
Noah is now 19 months old. He still does not talk much, his go to word for almost everything is "nah nah". He does say "juice", "fish", "this", "mama", "buh buh" (in a growly voice) for big truck/semi truck/monster truck/big ____, and "puh puh" for airplane. Strangely, while he had started saying "dada" for Matt, he's gone to "nah nah" or "mama" for Matt now. He loves to run and jump (he just recently started getting both feet off the ground at the same time) and kick the ball. We also finally put up his swing that he got for his birthday and he loves it. He is obsessed with cars, airplanes, trucks, and trains. He constantly asks for "buh buh" on the phone or computer, which consists of either looking at You Tube videos of planes flying or semi trucks driving or looking at pictures of them on Google images. Cartoons of planes or semi trucks don't cut it. He also loves to watch Sesame St. and Curious George. He was on a Thomas the Tank Engine kick for a while but I don't encourage it since I don't really find the newer story lines all that encouraging. And, the big news is.....last night he peed in his potty chair for the first time ever! We've had it for probably 6-9 months and I keep it out since he runs around naked so often. He likes sitting on it while watching TV but literally would get up from it to pee on the floor. I'm hoping that now he's done it once, he'll understand that that's what it's there for and I can start encouraging him to use it more. We'll see...I'm not in any hurry; while it would be WONDERFUL to have him potty trained before the new baby comes, since we cloth diaper it's not going to save us any money, just a little bit of hassle/time.
I know I should post some pictures since it's been so long, but Noah is currently sitting next to me asking for "buh buh". Pictures will come soon.
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