September 7, 2011

Now it's REALLY official!

Yesterday I finally got to go in to WPCC (Whittier Pregnancy Care Clinic) to get my first ultrasound! I've been waiting for Matt to be home from his work traveling so he could be there with me. I realized after seeing the images and talking to Kathie, the nurse (a dear co-worker and friend) that up until now the only confirmation I've had that I was indeed pregnant was the home pregnancy test I took. Granted, the symptoms are hard to argue with but WHAT IF it was all psychological!? Baby measured 8 weeks, 0 days which is only one day off what I had calculated. That means my official due date is April 17, 2012. I'll post the ultrasound pics soon, but just imagine a little teddy graham cracker (that's about the same size too). Baby has a strong heart beat (a good sign) of 169 beats per min. and was 16mm long. So cool to see the little arms and legs and he/she even danced a bit for us. I had my mom and Rachel come along as well.

In other baby news, all the typical pregnancy symptoms are in full swing. I had my first experience of being strangely emotional on Monday (Labor Day). I was exhausted after a BBQ at my parents and on the drive home suddenly all I wanted was to be lying on the cold tile floor at Yata's house on the blue fuzzy blanket with white flowers watching TV with her. It was super weird...I don't know if it's because the feelings nausea remind me of that...(that was the default whenever we were sick growing up) or what, but the whole picture came into my mind and it almost made me cry! I feel like the "morning" sickness has gotten worse over the past few days but the fatigue isn't quite as bad. I still sleep a lot at night but I haven't been taking as many naps during the day as before. I don't know if that's really good or not as I'm still not able to be very productive since the nausea kicks in pretty much anytime I try to get up and move around. Oh, but every moment is so worth it! I'm blessed to be able to just relax and not do too much while feeling sick, mad props to others that deal with this and have to keep working and/or take care of other kids!!! I'm also getting ridiculous cravings! Nothing consistent though so it's not like I can just keep something in the house. Today it's been celery with peanut butter and Pillsbury crescent rolls or biscuits. I was super excited to find I had crescent rolls in the house only to see they expired June 2010...oops :(

Hopefully within the next week or two I will be able to go in for an actual doctors appointment. I'm so excited that we have new insurance through Matt's work which means I can deliver at Pres!! It's nice to have so many people I trust able to give references for doctors and give me their personal experiences at the hospital.

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