April 5, 2012

38 wks + 2 days

It's getting closer! Starting to have lots of braxton hicks now, pretty annoying but I figure the more work my body can get out of the way now the faster labor should go. Yesterday they were 4:30-5:00 min. apart but only lasting for 30-45 seconds so we were keeping track of them but after a while they started getting shorter and further apart and then I was able to sleep the entire night without any (and with barely having to get up to pee yay!). I've had them off and on today, but nothing regular enough to even bother timing. I figure even if the "timing" is right (drs says go to the hospital when contractions are happening at least every 5 minutes for at least 1 minute for an hour or more) I'm going to stay home until I have to really concentrate on getting through a contraction. The last thing I want to do is go in, be far enough to get admitted but still have a while to go.

At least the contractions have given us a sense of immanency; we finally put the car seat in the car and I'm almost done packing my hospital bag. My mom has been over the past two days helping me do as much reorganizing as I can do to find new places for baby supplies and help me think through where things should go practically. So as far as my "still to-do list" from last post, I've tackled quite a bit:

~Curtains for behind Matt's desk are done (technically, they could be a little bit shorter but they'll more than do for now)
~Will be done packing the hospital bag & diaper bag this weekend. Just need to do some shopping for items we don't have.
~Cleaned out the car today, installed the car seat and put the stroller in the trunk
~Buying the glider tomorrow
~Buying the changing pad tomorrow and then will tackle making the covers
~Decided I don't want to be treated with antibiotics depending on what the pediatricians protocol is for baby if I choose that. Need to call him tomorrow.

Oh, also I received some things I ordered from Target so I have our bed rail & all the disposable inserts & baby wipes for diapers now. I just need to buy a pack of newborn disposable diapers & a few more gPants.

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