April 27, 2012

Catch up

Since I was putting off updating thinking I wanted to get Noah's birth story up first, I've missed blogging about a few milestones so I figured I'd do a quick recap.

4/11 - Noah's first pediatrician appointment.  He was back up to his birth weight (7lbs. 3oz) though we're not sure how much that means he gained between the previous Sunday (4/8) when we were discharged and this weigh-in since they only told us he "lost within the normal range", not an actual number.  I know "normal range" is up to 10% so I'm curious to know what his discharge weight was and plan on asking at his next appointment.  Other than that, there's nothing too significant to mention, other than I LOVE his pediatrician (came recommended by friends and I knew he was somewhat involved/supportive of WPCC).  My favorite part of the whole appointment was when we ask how he felt about a delayed vaccine schedule and he said that whoever created the CDC recommended schedule "was a moron".  That's my kind of doctor!

4/15 - Noah's first day at church!  Yep, only 8 days old and we took him to church.  I'm so not into that whole "keep your baby home for the first 3 weeks" thing.  It's not like I was passing him around (though I'm totally ok with most people holding him).  If you're sick, sure I won't let you hold him but otherwise I'm not going to be crazy protective over him like that.  Exposure to germs is what builds healthy immune systems.  He did really well, nursing during electives and during service (and filling his diaper during worship haha).

4/18 - Noah's circumcision.  We decided to wait til the 8th day, not for religious reasons but because in doing our medical research learned that God had good reasons for directing it to be done on the 8th day.  A baby's blood clotting ability is low in the first 2-5 days after birth and peaks on day 8, 100% higher than normal levels.  After day 8 it's at it's normal levels.  Well, day 8 was a Sunday and the soonest we could get an appointment that wasn't with the doctor that delivered him (who we really didn't like, more on that in his birth story) was 11 days after.  It wasn't as hard as I thought to have it done; granted they had me wait in the lobby so I'm sure if I was in the procedure room it would have been a lot harder.  It was harder before considering I couldn't feed him for a certain amount of time leading up to it and he was not happy about that.  He was pretty fussy the rest of the day but seemed after the first day.

4/23 - Noah has a belly button!  His umbilical cord stump fell off and he's now got the cutest belly button :)

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