October 1, 2007

Splashes, Aliso Beach Park, Butt-less Chaps & Mission San Jan Capistrano

Last Saturday Matt took me to an amazing restaurant (location wise, not food wise) called Splashes in Laguna Beach at the Sand'n'Surf Resort.
Yay! An actual picture of us together!

It was gorgeous...you couldn't be any closer to the water without being in it! Right where the sand ends in the pictures is the glass wall we were sitting against.

Matt got some seafood pasta and I got a chicken sandwich thing. The fries were probably the best part (bleck on the homemade ketchup though). Oh, and the mini condiment jars that I stole when we left :)

Then we headed down PCH and found Aliso Beach Park (I'd been there once before with friends) and walked down to a more secluded beach.

Matt started drawing hearts and we ended up having a heart drawing contest. This was his first heart that got the whole thing started.

After trying do add our initials with his first, he nixed that idea and put mine first. I can just imagine someone coming across a heard with "ME" written in the center :)

His final product (it took quite a while).

My final product (you be the judge!)

Then he decided to try taking some self-shot pictures of us kissing since I always complain that we never have pictures of us and Jess can't take a kissing picture of us to save her life :)

We then headed further down PCH to San Juan Capistrano. It's been years since we've been to the Mission there. We went once with school when we were quite young so we thought it'd be fun to go back.

Before we got to the Mission we walked around the town and went into this awesome antique warehouse place. We find these butt-less chaps and just had to take a picture!

This is the chapel that was brought down by an earthquake in the middle of a Sunday mass killing quite a few indians. The dome you see was the center and it had wings to the right and left and down the center (forming a T-shape).

More pictures of the chapel. Notice the people and how large the dome is in comparison.

The Mission's bells. Mission life centered around these bells and when they rang. The two large bells cracked and they were taken down and preserved after exact replicas are made. The bells still ring daily.

The bells from the other side, there was a little courtyard and to the left was a large room that appeared to be for storage.

Despite being sick I had so much fun. I was exhausted once we finally headed home but it was well worth it.

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